Illustrations for two holiday destinations


Casa Moscia and Campo Rasa , Ascona TI

a mailing for these two beautiful Ticino holiday destinations . However, since a renovation is underway at Casa Moscia, it was not possible to take overview photos for each of the two guest houses. So we made a virtue out of necessity and developed an illustration for each of the two destinations, which is somewhat based on the style of holiday posters from the 1930s. They are very reduced representations, but small details can be found on each illustration - like a hidden object picture. On the one hand, these give the illustration that certain something, and on the other hand, they enable the customer to use these detailed excerpts to explain various aspects of the respective holiday destination online in a second step.

Illustration Casa Moscia

Overall view

Detailed views

Even if you view the entire illustration on a large screen, it is challenging to discover all the details. That's why we've enlarged the detailed views for you. Each of these detailed illustrations represents a specific topic.

Illustration Casa Moscia

Overall view

Detailed views

Implementation in mailings

The challenge was then to combine the two illustrations on the cover of the mailing. But I think we succeeded quite well ;-). We came up with a little play on words for each of the two destinations: Because Casa Moscia is located directly on Lake Maggiore, we created “Seensucht” as a new term for it. Rasa stands for “just being” – with a small, subtle double meaning that you’re sure to figure out…

further information and the inside pages of this mailing in the form of a personalized magazine in a separate article .


The four elements: water


Personalized magazine for two holiday destinations