Books and magazines
On 115 pages in A4 format the most beautiful pictures from our report on the salt marshes in Guérande. With information about the “Paludiers” who mine the salt. Texts in German and French (Deepl makes it possible ;-)).
CHF 45 (including shipping within Switzerland and Liechtenstein, rest of Europe + CHF 10 for higher postage costs)
You can find more information about the magazine in a short video.
Limited to 99 copies, with open spine binding.
Cover: Black cardboard with white screen print
Contents: Digital print, 4-color
Note: We have pushed the limits technically, which is why flashes of other images can be seen on the double pages.
From the foreword:
In this illustrated book I have compiled photos that visualize the properties of nature. Nothing formed by human hands can be seen in any of the pictures. I deliberately did not include animal photos in the selection.
Simply pure nature.
No postcard-style nature romance, but raw, angular photos with the untamed energy of all the elements. Fire. Water. Air. Earth. And plants that belong to the earth.
They are transcendent photos. They resonate with us beyond what is visible.
For me, hidden there lies the pulse of the Creator, with which I can come into harmony.
This creates peace and strength.
Limited to 299 copies
Cover: white cardboard with embossing and partial foiling
Contents: 128 pages, of which 96 pages are duplex printed (black and white) and 32 pages in color
Format: 30 x 23 cm
More information and insights into the book in our blog articles from October 9th , November 3rd and November 13th .
The world feels like it's turning faster and faster. Technological innovations often do not help us to have more time and leisure. On the contrary. The train of progress is moving at an ever faster pace. We see it as a privilege that we can always escape this fast-paced life and spend time in places where the clocks tick slower and quieter. Where there is no cell phone signal beeping demandingly. Photography teaches us to soak up these precious moments deeply. Only in this way can we discover the motives that the Creator offers us in his nature.
We would like to share with you the amazement of the magical moments in distant countries such as Iceland, Alaska and Canada, but also in Switzerland and France. Hoping that somewhere in your everyday life you can carve out a little time and space to immerse yourself in the images. So that the vibrations of nature reach your heart and peace returns. Silence.