Adobe Lightroom Training

Lightroom has long since developed from a pure image management program into an extremely powerful image editing and image management software. The program even offers features that are not even implemented in Photoshop. In my Lightroom course I will familiarize you with the basic functions and exciting additional functions.

Scroll down for detailed information.

Course content

  • Importing the images into a sensible structure on your computer using Lightroom (morning)

  • Mastering the basic functions (morning)

  • Exporting the images from Lightroom with the correct settings (Afternoon)

  • Mastering Masking Tools (Afternoon)

  • Black and white conversion (afternoon)

  • Handling Lightroom catalogs (afternoon)

Required previous knowledge

  • You know how the Finder/File Manager on your computer (Mac or Windows) works.

Course content

10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. with a 1/2 hour break (coffee bar open from 9:30 a.m.)

  • How Adobe Lightroom works (non-destructive work)

  • Prepare and create a structure for storing the images on the computer

  • Images from the camera or Import memory cards so that you know where they are on your computer

  • Basic editing functions (brightness, contrast, color, sharpness, etc.)

  • Export images from Lightroom

    Lunch break with pizza, kebab or similar.

Afternoon / 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. with a 1/2 hour break

  • Selective image editing with the various mask tools

  • Black and white conversion

  • Rate, tag and sort images

  • Transfer a Lightroom catalog from another computer (e.g. laptop) to the main computer

  • Merge two Lightroom catalogs into one catalog


Monday, June 9, 2025 (Whit Monday)


The course takes place in our new photo studio in Thayngen (Schlatterweg 11). Information about parking options will follow with the course confirmation.


CHF 380, including lunch

Number of participants

min. 4, max. 8 participants

Each participant brings his/her own computer with Adobe Lightroom installed. You can install the trial version for free before the course if you don't yet know whether you want to work with the program. We will send you the link with the registration confirmation, with which you will also receive the invoice for transferring the course amount.

If you don't have a suitable computer to install Lightroom, we can provide two people with a laptop to work on. Please note when registering if you need a computer.


I am registering for the Adobe Lightroom training on June 9, 2025 in Thayngen:

In this course we focus exclusively on image editing in Adobe Lightroom. The course is part of a three-part series. In the other two modules we deal with camera technology and design with light. Click here for more information about the other two modules.