Airport reloaded
In January 2017 I planned and implemented an interesting experiment. The starting point was the question of what it would feel like to take photos at an exciting location for 24 hours straight. And only with one camera and a fixed focal length. Thanks to friendly relationships, it was possible to realize this project at Zurich Airport. My tools of choice were the Leica SL and the SL Summicron 1.4/50 mm, which is still one of my favorite lenses to this day. The Leica SL with its 24 megapixels has now been replaced by the SL2 with 47 megapixels. But the reduce-to-the-max operating concept, the outstanding image quality and the robustness of the camera have remained. The temperatures fell to -10° Celsius at night. The Leica SL worked perfectly even under these challenging conditions.
It was also interesting for me to go back through the pictures that I created back then. With some distance you judge things differently. I removed some photos that made it into the favorites back then from the selection. Some new ones have been added. It is definitely worth looking through the photos of a project again after a few months or even years. I also made some small adjustments to brightness and contrast. You can see the result of this new image selection below.
And below the picture gallery I have attached the making-of film that my assistant at the time, Lea, made. A big thank you again to you and also to Rémy Brunner, Rolf Wallner, Masis Sarkisian and other people from Zurich Airport. Without them, this report would not have been possible.
Image gallery
Making of film