Feedback from the beginner film course
In addition to the already almost legendary ones Photography courses in Rasa This year I advertised a film course for beginners for the first time. Over the course of three days, I introduced a small group of four participants to the basics of filmmaking:
Script writing and recording planning
Realize recordings
Editing and dubbing
The aim was for each person in the group to be able to plan and carry out their own film project after the course. It was clear to me that the bar was set pretty high. Thanks to the great commitment of all participants and great support from my wife Ursula, Nicola Weiss as boat captain and the Decorel team, we drew a positive conclusion after three brilliant days.
It started straight away with practical exercises (all recordings in this blog article are screenshots from film clips of the participants)
Here is the feedback from the participants:
„Peter Schäublin's beginners' film course was both very educational and exciting. As an absolute beginner, I ventured into new territory when it came to filming and was not disappointed. With three thematic days, the course was well laid out and structured. The course was well attended with four participants, and Peter - in addition to the general theory parts - had the time and opportunity to address many individual questions and problems. I received the necessary and expected know-how and tools and think I could start my own film project.
Not to be forgotten and worth mentioning is the whole “equivalent” that was organized by Peter and his wife Ursula. In addition to intensive and busy working hours, we were also able to take leisurely and enjoyable coffee and lunch breaks in between.
For me as a beginner, I see potential for optimization in either getting to know your own or rental camera better beforehand or a somewhat “gentler” introduction to the entire and complex subject of filming. Although a push into the deep end has never hurt anyone ;-)
Thank you very much for the great 3 days. They certainly won't be the last.“
The small group enabled me to address the needs of each participant individually.
„The film course was very comprehensive and I benefited optimally from the small group. I had no idea about screenwriting beforehand, and editing the film footage with Premiere Pro was also well explained to us by the course instructor.
The culinary care and hospitality were wonderful.
The practical part with the canoeist and boat trip on the Rhine were exceptional.
Thanks Peter and see you next time.“
“Lisa is paddling” was the theme of our little film project. We filmed not only on land, but also from the boat.
„It was an intensive and very educational three days! In a relatively short time, Peter Schäublin was able to give me the tools to venture into my own film projects. With his positive and enthusiastic nature, he can inspire and motivate you to dare to do things that I would hardly have thought possible in my case.
The group size was ideal with four participants plus protagonists and helpers. We also got our money's worth in terms of culinary and entertainment. I definitely recommend the course. However, I think it is important that as a participant you have mastered the basics of your camera in advance.“
Poetic shots on the water.
„It is the special atmosphere – “at home among friends” – that makes this course so incomparable. The small group allows for a lot of personal attention from the course leader and leads to intensive exchange among the group members. The care with which the course instructor approaches the topic extends seamlessly into the areas of course organization, catering and the rest. Simply great and a – above all personal – enrichment.“
A coherent short film was created from the idea and the participants' recordings:
We have not yet set a fixed date for the next film course. If you would be interested in a film course, then please send us an emailso that we will inform you as soon as the next course date is available.